Our passion is to create landscape designs that offer luxury of space and enhance your property value.

The Artist With Conzeptione Uno
Conzeptione Uno by Bruno Cantieni

This project is about producing a “sense of place” expressed through a thoughtful spatial composition. We have focused on understanding the power of relationship between “the space and its elements” like plant material and sculpture.

As  landscape artists, Modern Landscape Designers believe in the importance of creating from the heart and keeping the user on the forefront while considering affordability. 

How to create a front lawn with curb appeal?

  1. Design a comfortable and spacious entrance that will set the stage for pleasant gatherings
  2. Eliminate most eyesore views and create useful modern space
  3. Maximizing the views on arrival with focal points

 Modern Landscape Designers always have a high performance team on the job. Julie and Tiago are just amazing together and that is why they have won The Tony Di Giovanni Award Judges Choice Garden of the Year 2018 and The S.G. Ulbright Award Outstanding Medium Size Garden 2018 with the spectacular Midnight in Paris Show Garden sponsored by Techo-Bloc. !

Here are a few pictures of the project:





Sculpture by Bruno Cantieni


Beginning Construction
Beginning Construction


Beginning of construction
Beginning of construction




Final grade
Final grade
Art of grading
Art of grading
Creating steps and lighting conduit
Creating steps and lighting conduit


Amazing Tiago
Amazing Tiago


General Construction view
General Construction view


Planting crew: Julie, Michael's team
Planting crew: Julie, Michael’s team
Julie loves plants. Can you tell?

Increasing spaciousness, creating artistic gardens with sculptures and contemporary planting as well as eliminating truly add to your property value.


The designer for this project was Julie Moore-Cantieni, B.A.. She is the founder and visionary of Modern Landscape Designers. Julie have received The Tony Di Giovanni Award Judges Choice Garden of the Year 2018 and The S.G. Ulbright Award Outstanding Medium Size Garden 2018 with the spectacular Midnight in Paris sponsored by Techo-Bloc. ! In addition her Stingray Show Garden has won the Award of Outstanding Use of Innovative Elements in a Garden 2016 at Canada Blooms this year! You deserve the best so talk to us and book your professional landscape consultation Today! 

Julie Moore-Cantieni

Julie Moore-Cantieni

Brilliant Landscape Designer